I'll be driving up to Shreveport today to attend the 50th year celebrations.
Pictures to follow. Watch this spot for updates!
Air ConditioningThe school has changed quite a bit since I was last there in 1963. For one thing I hear they have air conditioning. What will they think of next, closed circuit TV?
The school didn't have air conditioning when I was there between 1957 and 1963. Some classrooms had fans, but they only moved the air slightly. But, back then it wasn't a big deal because not many places did have air conditioning. Some homes had compressors but other homes used evaporation coolers.
It was rare to find a car with air conditioning. We rolled down the windows.
Classrooms were hot and sticky in the Autumn and Spring. To keep our school papers dry we would slip an extra sheet of paper under our forearm and palm to soak up the sweat. Nobody made a fuss; it's just the way it was.
It will be interesting to walk into a cool classroom but somehow it just won't be the same.